Month: August 2006

  • I think the 80's were a good time for young men. It was all about getting laid, getting drunk, and hanging out with your buddies. In the land of easy women and perpetual immaturity, juvenile behavior and hijinks were met with a "boys will be boys" attitude, instead of shit like sexual harassment lawsuits or sensitivity seminars nowadays.

    Being a 90's kid has it's ups and downs.

    And what is it about clowns that inexplicably draw numerous trusting children to a full-grown stranger, and simultaneously give adults the heebie jeebies?

    Maybe it's the fact that they're always happy (because, face it, their smiles are literally painted on) and children long to believe their own state of contentedness can last forever, while adults are resentful of such a loud reminder that life will inevitably turn sour.

    Just maybe.

    Damn you Krusty.

    I found this über cool: The Zombie Preparedness Kit (yes, that's right).

    But just four shells? Has this person not read the Zombie Survival Guide? I'm glad I don't know the guy. I'd almost feel half bad after he alerts the rest of the zombies in the area of his location.

    Yeah i'm really bored.